Our Attitudes Matter
Have you ever met an angry toddler? I mean a very angry toddler at the point of combustion? They are quite a force to be reckoned with and most of them have at one time or another, employed the tactic of tantrum throwing.
My oldest’s battle strategy was ‘If I just embarrass my mother enough, she’ll relent’. So, he tried very public, massive tantrums which I would walk away from. BUT my oldest had an iron clad will, so he would follow me from aisle to aisle or room to room throwing himself down in front of me and making the biggest scene possible. He demanded that I acknowledge how unhappy he was. If I didn’t give him his way, his course of action was to make everyone just as miserable as he was. He tried to pay me back in kind.
My youngest was like minded, but her tantrums were even more annoying. She would let out a never ending screech which would not stop until she got her way. “Little Bit” was determined to never bend, compromise, or negotiate. At one point, I thought we would never make it out of her toddler years alive.
What was at the heart of their tantrum throwing? What could cause such violent behavior from ones so small? Well, toddlers are the centers of their universe. We have met their basic needs since they were born. They cried, we fed them, burped or diapered them. They fussed and we entertained or put them to bed. They eventually came to the conclusion that if they asked for it, then they would get it.
What both of my littles didn’t understand was that I had knowledge they didn’t. Sometimes they wanted something I knew they shouldn’t have or at least have at that time. My ‘no’ wasn’t meant to hurt or belittle their plans, it was made out of my love for them and a desire to only give them what was best. “You parents—if your children ask for a loaf of bread, do you give them a stone instead? Of course not! So if you sinful people know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Heavenly Father give good gifts to those who ask him.” (Matthew 7:9-11 NLT)
Have you ever found yourself, like a toddler trying to punish God for allowing something to happen to your plans? Have you thrown a massive adult style tantrum because He said ‘no’ or altered the course of your life? Have you decided to ignore His way altogether because you are sure that your way of seeing things is the right and only way?
I have. When we try to understand our circumstances and our relation to them, when we try to maintain a semblance of control over our lives, we take our eyes off of God’s purposes and like a toddler, trust in our own lordship.
When we try to punish God for not getting our own way, when we demand that He relent to our plans, we only punish ourselves. A loving Father will do everything in His power to keep us from what He knows would harm us. From our limited knowledge it’s hard for us to understand His ways, but this is where we must choose who we trust and who is Lord of our lives. Will we choose to trust God or will we trust in ourselves? “But if serving the Lord seems undesirable to you, then choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve, whether the gods your ancestors served beyond the Euphrates, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land you are living. But as for me and my household, we will serve the Lord.” (Joshua 24: 15 NIV)
During these difficult times, we must trust God’s shelter. We must reside in the high tower of His will and the protection it brings even when we don’t understand. This requires a constant, continual letting go; a moment by moment, day by day surrendering to the One Who Knows All.
Today, I invite you to join me as I once again unfurl my fisted hands and raise them in total abandoned surrender. Laying aside all that tethers me to fear, I ask you to raise your voice with mine in praise to the one Who Knows All. I beseech you to sing along with me as praise renders the unknown defeated.