A Tale of One Terrible Morning
It was one of those mornings where my hot mess side came out in all of her unadorned glory. The kind of morning you just can’t make up. Everything went wrong regardless of careful planning. I ended up leaving the house with wet hair (after having to wash it more than 1x) and wearing not a lick of makeup or cc cream. No cover-up whatsoever. I know, not professional, but it was either that or call in and stay home.
My only consoling thought as I left to walk out of the door was, ‘At least I can’t find fault with my outfit.’ BUT I thought too soon. As if he could read my thoughts, in runs my great big, mush mouth Braydonasaurus to make sure that my pants were covered in his slober ‘aka’ doggy kisses.
That was the last straw. Now I was truly a wreck on all fronts. The Faith of old would have let this ruin her day. I would have allowed my insecurities to make me feel small and put me in a defensive and rotten mood. But instead, I held my head high remembering that my identity is not in anything I do, nor in what I wear, or in how I look. My identity rests in who I am to God and His Son Jesus.
So, Peeps, no matter what comes your way today. Remember, it doesn’t define you. You are safe and secure in the love of Christ. Take it from me. If God can love a hot mess like this girl here, rest assured, He absolutely loves you too.

Pam Tuggle
That a girl!!! ❤