When the Going Gets Tough…the Tough Rest in Jesus
I have two speeds hot and cold, on and off, or should I say fast and slow? It’s very hard for me to operate in the middle.
But the middle is where I’ve learned to reside. It’s the perfect balance between striving and giving up. Owning it all and not taking responsibility. It’s where I’ve learned to soar on the currents of God’s winds in full surrender and trust.
I reside in this middle as long as my priorities remain in check. As long as I keep my appointments with God. As long as I find that daily time to be still.
But what happens to this introvert when I’m hit on all sides? When every moment of everyday is filled to overflowing with responsibilities, to do lists, and people? When I can’t find that quality time with God or that time to just be still? What happens when stress, exhaustion, and anxiety meet?
I can honestly say it’s not pretty. I know what to do, but as the Apostle Paul mentioned in Romans 7:15, I don’t do it. When my whole world starts to implode I do one of two things. I either shut down emotionally due to overload or I become the biggest of strivers increasing my stress and speed with each and every minute. Neither one of these is good.
So when the going gets tough, when I find myself overwhelmed, striving, or shutting down, I must run to the arms of Jesus. I need to sit at the feet of God. For He is my hiding place; He protects me from trouble. He surrounds me with songs of victory. Psalms 32:7
He is my peace, my anchor, my strength, the lifter of my head. He is all I need, so I will take refuge in Him and sing His praises forevermore. Psalm 118:28 (NLT) You are my God, and I will praise you! You are my God and I will exalt you!