A Cup of Courage
Being a parent can be scary. In fact, battling worry comes with the job title. We start out doing everything for these little humans because they are dependent on us for life, but end up having to let go so that they can learn to soar on their own. For me, that day has come and I am trying to do it with grace.
But the last two weeks have not been easy. Have you ever decided to face something without fear only to get ambushed on all sides by other people’s worries? For the last two weeks, I have experienced this in a BIG way. Well-intentioned friends and family have been trying to offer me comfort by lovingly sharing their fears with me. One well-meaning friend even went so far as to explain the probability of my son’s death if he follows his chosen path. (Yes, this mamma heart got to hear that as well.)
Both of my boys have decided on dangerous jobs. Jobs with great risks. Careers that are even more risky in today’s political climate. One has chosen to become a United States Marine and the other has plans to go into law enforcement. My sons have hearts that want to serve others. They are both Super Heroes that desire to fight for justice in their own unique ways.
As a former Marine wife, I know the emotional cost my sons may bear. I know that the drain of missed holidays and ungrateful people can take its toll. As a parent, I know the value of each and every day my kids have on this earth and I don’t want to see that cut short. But as a loving mother, I also want to see them chase their God given dreams. Why would I allow my worries for tomorrow to keep them from fulfilling their God given purposes?
And though I want what is best for them, listening to the fears of others, even well meaning fears has taken a toll on my emotions. So how do I deal with these fears? Fears that could become reality? I have to decide what I really believe and then I must stand firmly on it.
What do I believe? I believe that the God who knows the number of hairs on my head loves my children much more than I do. I know that He loved them so much that He gave His life as a ransom for them. So I will choose to lay aside the vice-grip of worry and instead take each day of this mamma life in surrendered faith. Living day by day. For I have no control over the outcome of my children’s lives, but I trust the One who does. “So don’t worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will bring its own worries. Today’s trouble is enough for today.” Matthew 6:34 NLT

I hear your Mommy heart!
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