A Mindful Christmas
The holidays are full of stress, running to and fro, expectations, obligations, and so much more. Most years by the time Christmas Day actually rolls around, silent tears are streaming down my face. For this working mom with only one or two days off during the holidays, it’s just too much. I need time to be still, to reflect, and recharge.
So this year, my family is giving me the gift of time. Instead of our normal 3 to 4 Christmas celebrations, we will only be having 1. We have chosen memories over busyness. Mindful, discussion over harried shopping and quality time over numerous holiday celebrations.
For the first time in forever, I am actually looking forward to this day. Knowing that I don’t have to rush has allowed my spirit to recharge. Anticipating our new holiday traditions has made our last Christmas as a family of five something to look forward to instead of something to get through. In fact, I even found time to read a new book.
So, this Christmas season you will find me baking cookies instead of packing. Playing games with my kids instead of spending hours in the car traveling; and savoring each moment instead of rushing through it. This may be a season of lasts for our family, but it is also a season of firsts. A season of Hope and a season of New Beginnings.