Changing Roles
This week I had the privilege of watching our oldest son be sworn into military service and transported off to boot camp. To say my heart and mind were full would be an understatement.
I found myself pondering over the fact that in early 1997, I was told that I would not be able to sustain a pregnancy. In another words, I could get pregnant, but it wouldn’t result in the birth of children. BUT amazingly, our God had other plans for my life and I was watching one of them now.
As much as I love my oldest son, I learned long ago that he doesn’t belong to me. He never has. He has been entrusted to my care, but he belongs to God. When he was born, I was given the priveledge and responsibility of nourishing, providing, teaching, training, disciplining, sacrificing, and all of the other duties that come with being a parent.
These duties have changed quite a bit over time, especially in the last few years. As he has gotten older I have adjusted my role as his mother to fit our growing relationship and to enable him to become a man in his own right.
When he stood before the flag on Monday pledging to uphold the Constitution and to defend our country and it’s citizens, I wasn’t looking on through the lenses of a son’s mother. Instead, I was seeing him through the eyes of a friend, cheerleader, and prayer warrior.
The old tasks and roles I had played as his mother have been put away, the door closed as it should be. And a new door has been opened. It is this unfolding chapter that I look forward to exploring as I learn to love, serve, and let go so that he can become all that God has called him to be.

Taylor, thanks for taking the time to comment. May you experience the peace of God while walking through whatever changes are going on in your life.