The Call to Sacrificial Living
I never thought I would see the day when a woman would stand up in front of a crowd and on national television to declare that the murder of her unborn child was praiseworthy and admirable. I never thought I would see people spitting on military graves or wishing for the death of those who have bravely risked their lives for us. But, I have witnessed all of the above. I see it every day. Lives destroyed because one person sees their life as more valuable than someone else’s.
What happened to the days where sacrifice was seen as love? Where sacrificial living was praised and worthy of report? Where parents sacrificed their dreams so that their children could pursue their own? When men and women who sacrifice comfort, holidays, and even their own lives were seen as heroes?
When did we become so ungrateful and self-serving as a society? When did a mother that stays at home with her children to make sure that they are cared for emotionally and physically become a drain on society, while a woman that aborts her child so that she can pursue her own career is seen as a hero?
Today when I look around I see a blatant display of selfish living. Selfishness and sacrifice have done a flip flop in the eyes of the world. It’s now all about me, me, me and instant gratification. Sacrifice is seen as weakness while accomplishments at any cost are seen as strength. But what good is it, if we gain the whole world and yet lose our souls in the process? (Mark 8:36 paraphrased by me.)
Today we are told that the only way to be someone is to achieve something. That we are heroes when we achieve success at the cost of others. But the Bible sees it differently. According to the Word of God, we are someone when he live a sacrificial life. When we live a life poured out for others we are true representatives of Christ who gave himself up for us.
We can’t be the church and live to please ourselves. We were called to follow the example of Christ. To offer our bodies as living sacrifices. To not worry about who is right or who is wrong, but to speak truth in love and to glorify God in all that we do.
We can only do this when we live our lives to please God and Him alone. When our actions are not based on religious obligation but are an overflow of a real, genuine relationship with Jesus Christ. The I’s and Me’s of this world must be replaced with His desires and His direction for our lives.
Let us all redirect the way we currently live. Taking our eyes off of ourselves and fervently living in the moment for Him. Asking for eyes to see, ears to hear, hearts willing to obey, and feet ready to engage. Let us lives our lives as Romans 12:1-2 (NLT) states so boldly: And so, dear brothers and sisters, I plead with you to give your bodies to God because of all He has done for you. Let them be a living and holy sacrifice – the kind He will find acceptable. This is truly the way to worship Him. Don’t copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God’s will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect.