Deep Waters
When you hear the words ‘deep waters’ what word picture comes to mind? Drowning, an overwhelming life, COVID-19, the deep end of the swimming pool? Normally these words would remind me of overwhelming circumstances, but today I am drawn to them with a different narrative, a new word picture.
Could it be that during these uncertain times God is calling us into the deep? A deep study of His Word, His character? Is he asking you to allow all of the noises of the World to fade away as we ride on the ocean waves of His love?
Is He separating us from things that hold us back, from countless activities and tasks that we have chosen to replace Him with?
If you’re like me and you are hearing that gentle call to go even deeper; that still small voice that is asking you to let go of the shore and explore the deepest depths of God’s love: don’t be afraid to answer His call. His love is sweeter than honey. Why don’t you take the time to answer? Why not taste and see that the Lord is good? Why not venture into His loving arms? He is waiting for you.