The Problem with Revolving Doors
Have you ever stepped through the glass doors of a revolving doorway? Did everything go smoothly or did you get stuck inside? When your foot was poised to exit into the lobby did someone else enter from behind, their momentum causing the doors to revolve at a quicker pace leaving you with a choice to go around one more time or risk possible injury?
That is the word picture I have for 2020. I feel like I stepped off of the curb (the known so to speak) and entered a revolving door that continues to change its speed with each rotation and I can’t seem to find the right way to exit it’s doors into the lobby.
This year is like a whole new form of the waiting game. One where we’re continually going around and around and around in circles. Every time we get to the exit door, a new problem presents its ugly head and we go around one more time. If we’re not careful, we can get stuck inside of these doors. We can develop a mindset of blocking blows and stepping back until we’re just reacting to life instead of living it.
I’ve lived that empty life before and I do not want to go back. Christ has called us to a life of freedom not one of fear. There are no certainties. I cannot predict what the metaphorical lobby will look like. I don’t know what mine or anyone else’s future will hold. And there is no way for me to see into tomorrow, but I do know Who holds the future and it is Him that I choose to walk toward. It’s His eyes I intentionally gaze into. It’s His face that I set my heart and mind to seek.
And while keeping Him as my focus, I choose to re-engage in this life. With Him as my guide, I choose to press forward, to live and walk in the freedom He’s given. I will not answer fear’s call nor allow it to chain me to indecision. Instead, I will step forward, take a leap out of the revolving doors of this life and make the decision to put my feet where my faith is.

One Comment
Marcia Adams
Thank you for once again speaking truth and encouragement. Great word!! So grateful for you and this ministry.