When My Heart is Overwhelmed
While I write this, I’m once again sitting at the River Walk because it is one of the places that I go to hide in God. One of the places I find refuge and solitude. A place where I can throw off all that distracts me and abandon everything to the King of the Universe. Today I’m almost completely hidden from the world, surrounded by greenery and watching as the sleepy waters slowly trickle by. But I’m not hidden from God, in fact I know that He is right here with me. He’s holding me as tears of helplessness roll down my cheeks. I’m wrapped in His loving arms and presence as I worship Him in my heartache. He’s giving me strength and building me up for what is to come as I surrender the problem that weighs so heavy on my heart over to Him. Today I am so thankful for my Father’s Love. So thankful that nothing is impossible for Him even when it’s impossible for me.
What impossibility are you facing today? What mountain do you want moved? Have you turned it over to the King of the Universe? Have you released it to God in prayer?