Revelations from the Smoke Pit
I love when God uses my kids to teach me things. It always amazes me what I can learn through the lives of my children and our relationships with one another.
Last week when I packed my car at the very last minute and drove ten hours because I finally had the opportunity to see my boy, I thought I was doing it for him but I was really doing it for myself. I had to see him with my own eyes to assure myself he was okay. I needed to feed him and stock his barracks room to ensure that he was well fed. I brought him clothing, other essentials I knew he was missing, and spent half a day tracking down a charging cord for the computer I was finally being allowed to deliver. I did all of this because I love my boy, but also because it’s a need inside of a mother to nurture and take care of her offspring.
While preparing to see him, I was thinking in terms of meeting physical and emotional needs, but what blew my mind and rejuvenated my spirit was how much my presence meant to that boy. He didn’t really want my food though he did enjoy it. He didn’t care about the bag of clothing or other things I brought though he did appreciate receiving them. What he wanted was my presence. He wanted time spent with me.
As day two wound down and we still weren’t cleared to go past the smoking pit which was right next to his building, my son started to apologize for not being able to take me anywhere or being able to do anything except hangout. He thought that I cared about bowling and all of the other plans we had quickly thrown together. Those things while fun weren’t important to me, time with my boy was. This is when it hit me.
God had given me two days of literally soaking in my son’s presence. There weren’t any distractions of having to go anywhere or see anyone. It was just us. That time together rejuvenated me mostly because my boy wanted to spend time with me. He wanted to share his life with me, wanted to hear my thoughts, desired my input, and was so happy that I was spending my time with him. I delighted in the fact that he wanted me there.
Have you ever contemplated the fact that God delights in our presence? Have you considered that He’s overjoyed when you come to Him to share your day, ask for His direction, or just soak Him in? God doesn’t just want our talents and resources. He wants time with us. He desires to have an intimate relationship with each and everyone of us. Our time and our desire to spend that time with Him is a gift that He rejoices in, one that brings Him great pleasure.
God used this long overdue visit with my son to reveal to me how much He loves to spend time with His children. When we come to God we are blessed by His presence, joy, direction, provision, love, grace…and so much more. At times we’re overjoyed that He even lets us approach His throne and that He doesn’t hide His face from us. But we seem to forget that God delights in us too. He desires time spent with us. He longs to share in our lives just like a loving parent longs to be a part of their kid’s lives.
‘For the Lord your God is living among you. He is a mighty Savior. He will take delight in you with gladness. With His love, He will calm all your fears. He will rejoice over you with joyful songs.’ Zephaniah 3:17 (NLT)
‘Behold what manner of love the Father has bestowed on us, that we should be called children of God! I John 3:1 (NKJV)

Marcia Adams
Good word Faith. Good analogy. Needed reminded of His extravagant love for us. I’m quickened to recall, 2 Corinthians 2: 21, ” Now it is God who makes both us and you stand firm in Christ. He anointed us, set His seal of ownership on us, and put His Spirit in our hearts as a deposit guaranteeing what is to come.” ABBA, I belong to you. Thanks for your honest and refreshing posts.
What a great verse. So thankful that God holds us firm in Christ. Thanks for sharing it. 🙂