The Problem with Doing what Seems Right
During my quiet time in Judges, I came across the same verse in two different chapters. In those days Israel had no king; all the people did whatever seemed right in their own eyes.’ Judges 17:6 & 21:25 (NLT).
My eyes kept going back over the first few words, ‘In those days, Israel had no king.’ Why is this important you may ask? Because, we all serve someone. That someone can be ourselves, a spouse, our peers, society as a whole, our boss, or a dozen other beings. Even if we are natural born leaders, someone is still ruler/king/lord over our lives and hearts. If you don’t believe me, check your motives for doing something. You may find that you are serving someone or something you weren’t even aware of.
As my pastor says, “We (Christians) either live in the will of God or the permissive will of God.” Now there is a B-I-G difference between the two. When we live and walk in the will of God, we are seeking His guidance first and foremost. This means we are allowing ourselves to be directed, prompted, and led. In other words our motives and the intentions of our heart are to please God first, before anything or anyone else.
Then there is God’s permissive will. This is a place, I spent way too many years operating in. Years where I put what I wanted for my life above anything God wanted or planned for me. In fact, looking back even my prayers were self-centered, self-seeking, and manipulative in nature. I went to God because of what He brought to the table (what He could do for me). I obeyed His rules and regulations, but not from a heart that was truly His. I walked uprightly (in my own mind) because God answered the prayers of the righteous and I wanted the things (blessings) God could give me.
Reading my above words makes me sick, but it was all too true. And is too true even today. So how can I, how can you keep from living a life of doing what seems right in our own eyes? I found the answer within the same stretch of Judges. So Micah’s carved image was worshipped by the Tribe of Dan as long as the Tabernacle of God remained at Shiloh. Judges 18:31 (NLT)
What is so special about the Tabernacle of God? It was where the presence of God dwelt. The same presence that lives inside of us, the Holy Spirit. Without the infilling of the Holy Spirit, we are an empty vessel or a worthless utensil. Why do I say this? Because we are not living for the purpose we were created to live for. It’s God’s presence within us that enables us to lay aside our agendas, our idols, and even our own lordship through the yielding of our hearts and wills. It’s His presence in us that makes the difference. Without Him we are helplessly lost.
Won’t you join me in laying aside your own lordship and embracing God’s? I for one, want to be able to stand before the King of Kings and Lord of Lords and say, “I did it your way. I lived my life to please you and you alone”, as opposed to standing before the judgement seat singing the song lyrics Frank Sinatra made so very popular ‘I did it my way.”
We have a choice on whom we allow to be lord of our actions, king of our hearts, and master of our intentions. The choice is one we make daily, hourly, and on some days minute by minute. As Joshua said in Joshua 24 verses 14-15, “So fear the LORD and serve Him wholeheartedly. Put away forever the idols your ancestors worshiped when they lived beyond the Euphrates River and in Egypt. Serve the LORD alone. But if you refuse to serve the LORD, then choose today whom you will serve. Would you prefer the gods your ancestors served beyond the Euphrates? Or will it be the gods of the Amorites in whose land you now live? But as for me and my family, we will serve the LORD.” (NLT)
Lord God, Today, I choose to surrender lordship of my life over to you. I don’t want to be ruler of my heart, actions, or intentions. I don’t want to follow my own path. I need a leader, One who will lead me into all truth. I surrender my heart and my plans over to your keeping. Help me to follow you wherever you lead, enable me to keep you first. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Marcia Adams
Thank you Faith for that reminder. I try to pray every morning that Gods will be done, but do I lay my agenda down at the foot of the cross? Thank you so much.
I understand completely. So thankful for His grace in our lives and His power which is made perfect in our weakness.