Consuming Love
Do you ever find yourself just going through the motions of life? Being swept away from one activity to the next, but without the fervor or joy that is supposed to drive you? Do you miss that passion? I do. I see unparalleled passion in God’s great love for me, I find it in love stories, but do I find it in myself? Do I live my life out of the overflow of God’s all consuming fire or have I allowed life to temper my passion, to cool my zeal?
Now, I know that Song of Songs or Song of Solomon (depending on your translation) is about a relationship between a man and a woman, but I can’t help desiring, wanting, and longing for God in the same way as the Young Woman in this story. To run throughout the city no matter my workload, in the streets regardless of who is looking, and in the squares asking everyone I encounter, “Have you seen the One I love?” (Song of Songs 3:36 NLT) Do you know Him? Have you encountered His love which sets you free and transforms every aspect of your life?
And once I find Him, to embrace Him with all that I have and all that I am. “Scarcely had I passed by them, when I found the One I love. I held Him and would not let Him go.” (Song of Solomon 3:4a NKJV). I have loved God with this fervor, but do I still respond to Him like I used to? Is His voice the one I listen for above all others? Is His the presence the one I seek? Is He the desire of my heart and mind and soul? Does His love drive my actions? Does it drive yours? I hope that it does.
May I, may we have the courage to love God with total abandon (a lack of restraint), to not be ashamed of our ferver or love for Him…But to boldly walk in it until all the world takes notice. ‘Till all the world comes to see this Jesus, this Kinsman Redeemer that causes the blind to see and sets the captives free.
May we seek out quiet places to be alone with God, to be refreshed by His presence and mesmerized by His love. May we leave those places completely transformed by our encounters with Him, that He overflows into all aspects of our lives. May we live for Him and in Him and through Him.

One Comment
Marcia Adams
You’ve done it again, you have challenged my motives, simplified my longing and recognized my longings to bring me to a better and more passionate place, one without pretending or pride but passion. Thank you.