An Ode to Coffee or Tea
Don’t allow someone’s opinion of you to derail you from God’s purpose in your life.
You are not everyone’s cup of tea nor the way they like their coffee. So be the unique individual God made you to be, authentic and real.
Don’t change your flavor or steeping time just to fit in. Don’t dilute yourself in order to be what someone else finds desirable. God made you unique, with a one of a kind flavor. He gave you talents, abilities, and giftings only you can use in your own individual way. So when God calls you, don’t let the opinions of man keep you from fulfilling His plan. Step out and be the quirky, distinctive, eccentric, uncommon, and rare being that God made you to be. He will do the rest.
A Tale Of Finding Shelter
One thing that I have learned over the last few years is to set limits and to use the word, no. I’ve actually gotten quite good at it. If you don’t believe me, ask my kids.
But unfortunately life has not listened to my warning signs or my declaration that I just can’t take one more thing on at this time. It just keeps throwing new balls my way in the form of looming deadlines, weekends spent driving the kids places, changes at work, and opportunities that couldn’t have come at a worse time. Balls that I am unable to say no to and circumstances that I must walk through.
So how do I keep my joy in this chaos called life? How do I keep from becoming a puddle on the floor or a screaming banshee when life presses in on all sides? Well, I’ve learned that I must hide myself in Christ. When I want to flee or tuck tail and run, I run to the arms of my Father. I choose to find shelter in His wings and rest for my weary soul by spending time soaking in His presence. The more time I spend with Him, the more equipped I am to deal with all that life throws my way.
So today, this week, this month, you will find me taking shelter under the shadow of His wings. For when my heart is overwhelmed, I run to the only place of safety, my foundation for all of life’s storms. I run to the Rock. I hope to find you there as well.
Once upon a blog…
To introduce myself, let me start by saying that I am one HOT MESS. A hot mess that has been redeemed by the grace of God. I tried to do this “life” thing perfectly, in my own power and strength. I set out to earn everything I got, but what ended up happening was that I lived a life of striving. This striving took the joy out of everything I did and brought me no closer to perfection.
By the time that I was in my mid to late 30s I was convinced that no one could possibly love me and that even God must be fed up with me by now. I was seeing myself through the lenses of my failures, mistakes, and shortcomings. This is when God stepped in and rescued me in a big way. He allowed me to see myself through the lenses of His Son and grace.
To all of you downtrodden and hopeless. To all of you strivers and perfectionists out there. To those of you who believe that you must get your act together before you can approach the throne of grace. I want to remind you that your worth is not determined by your upbringing, the storms of this life, nor your past. God loves you right now, where you are. My prayer for each and everyone of you is that you will allow God to open the eyes of your heart to His truth so that you can see yourself through the eyes of His Son and discover the freedom to live life loved, valued, and with God given purpose.